Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Don't do Lunges If...

I must be out of my mind because today I'm going to tell you not to do lunges - one of the most commonly recommended multi-muscle movements - an exercise that is in every fat loss program for women.

But there are times when lunges are not appropriate.

Today I witnessed a perfect example of someone that should not be doing lunges. As I was in the gym doing Prisoner Forward Lunges and warming up for a 20 minute Upper Body TT workout, along came a lady and lunged down beside me, falling all over along the way.

With each repetition she would fall to one side or the other, twisting her body viciously over her knee (which I'm surprised she didn't injure). She simply had no co-ordination to be doing the exercise, let alone to be doing it holding the dumbbells she had in each hand.

That my friend, is the perfect example of someone who shouldn't do lunges.

And I know that many of you can't do lunges because of sore knees and weak muscles, as you've emailed me for replacement exercises. So let's run through my progression of lower body exercises that will help you get better results from more appropriate exercises and without hurting your knees.

We'll start on the mat and work our way up to standing exercises - just like you will in the different stages of the Bodyweight Manual from grrlAthlete.

Here's our list of lower body exercise progressions:

2-Leg Hip Bridge/Extension
2-Leg Stability Ball Curl
2-Leg Hip Bridge/Extension on Ball
1-Leg Hip Extension
Wall Ball Squat
Bodyweight Squat
Prisoner Bodyweight Squat
Split Squat
Reverse Lunge
Forward Lunge

NOTE; Here's the key...Everyone should master the split squat first before doing lunges.
Because your feet never leave the floor, the exercise is less difficult. Do this instead of lunges if you have balance problems. This will help you avoid sticky situations like the woman in the gym today.

And if you can't do the exercise with only your bodyweight, then don't add dumbbells!
Once you've mastered the basic split squats and lunges, you can then move onto 1-Leg Deadlifts, Bulgarian Split Squats, and 1-Leg Squats and so on.

Get strong with your bodyweight for athletic performance AND fat loss,


P.S. Get the bodyweight workout for free...

Don't forget, the bodyweight workout comes as a free bonus when you order the Ultimate Female Training Package that includes: ShapeShift, Turbulence Training for Women, and the Bodyweight Workout.

Our ShapeShift & Turbulence Training Programs were written to challenge women to get stronger, leaner, and fitter. And the workouts comes with a free nutrition plan and bodyweight workout - So you can have the best workout imaginable whether you are in the gym or at home, and you can get some great nutritional pointers.

"After 3wks of that program, I could already see results and I liked how the workouts were fun, intense, and efficient. At 34, I'm leaner and stronger than I've ever been. Thanks Craig!"Christine Johnston, Little Rock, AK

Learn more about Fasting for Weight Loss

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